This Page is for displaying the projects I have been taking part in during my coding career, you can find the repos through my github account nldxtd.
Those projects can be divided into two categories, one is course projects I ’ve been working on in THU classes, the other is personal projects made out of personal interests or outsourcing demands.
Apart from those projects, algorithm is also important through my study, which won’t be displayed at this page.
Course Projects
LOGO Language Compiler
Summary: First project of my coding career, using C++ to compile LOGO file(text file defined ourselves) to picture format BMP.
Semester: Fall 2019.
Skills: C++, video editing.
Code Repo: LOGO compiler
Snake 🐍
Summary: Classic game snake(贪吃蛇) implemented in Qt.
Semester: Summer 2020.
Skills: Qt, C++.
Code Repo: Snake
Dou Dizhu 🃏
Summary: Classic game Dou Dizhu(斗地主) implemented in Qt.
Semester: Summer 2020.
Skills: Qt, Qt Socket, C++.
Code Repo: Dou Dizhu
快红 🍁(快手公司合作软件工程项目)
Summary: Software Engineer project cowork with Beijing Kuaishou Technology Co., Ltd, using data provided by the company to do data visualization and give advice to content producer. As a team work, I mainly took part in frontend work.
Semester: Spring 2021.
Skills: Vue.js, python, django, database.
Code Repo: Private.
Summary: PA of Network Principle, implement a router supporting ICMP, RIP, also do some correctness check.
Semester: Spring 2021.
Skills: C++, Network Protocol.
Code Repo: Router-Lab
Summary: A PinYin input method implemented in python base on Markov Chain.
Semester: Spring 2021.
Skills: Python, Markov Chain.
Code Repo: Py-PinYin
FourChess ♟
Summary: Namely AI implement in python based on Monte Carlo tree search(MCTS).
Semester: Spring 2021.
Skills: C++, MCTS.
Code Repo: FourChess
Sentence Emotion Classifier 📖
Summary: A classfy task using CNN/RNN/LSTM, result not so satisfying because of data problem.
Semester: Spring 2021.
Skills: Tensorflow.
Code Repo: Emotion Classifier
Image Rendering Engine 📷
Summary: Image Rendering Engine implemented in C++ based on SPPM algorithm.
Semester: Spring 2021.
Skills: C++, SMMP, Parallel Development.
Code Repo: Image Rendering Engine
Naive-Database 📚
Summary: A toy DBMS(Database Manage System) implemented in rust from scratch, supports CURD operation and other database precations.
Semester: Fall 2021.
Skills: Rust.
Code Repo: Naive-Database
Summary: PA of Compilation principle, implemented in python, used for mini-decaf(subset of C Language).
Semester: Fall 2021.
Skills: Python, AST, Compilation principle.
Code Repo: Mini-Decaf
Summary: PA of OS course, implement an operating system using rust.
Semester: Fall 2021.
Skills: Rust.
Code Repo: rCore
Summary: Seen as the hardest course project in our department. Design a five-stage pipeline CPU using verilog, also add forwarding technology and support hardware-IO like vga/flash.
Semester: Fall 2021.
Skills: Verilog, pipeline CPU, hardware design.
Code Repo: CPU
Personal Projects
NucEarth 🌍
Summary: Inspired by earth, which visualize weather condition on a globe. NucEarch is for visualizing pollution infected by nuclear leak.
Skills: javascript.
Demo Website: NucEarth
Code Repo: Private.
Robot Detecting and Social Network Analysis 🤖️
Summary: A master thesis work to detect robot on social media and social network analysis. I took part in the data crawling and processing, robot detecting.
Skills: python.
Code Repo: Private.
GongPinCha 🧼
Summary: A form filling Applets cooperates with an official department for data collecting.
Skills: React-Native, Wechat Mini Program.
Demo: 工品查 WeChat Mini Program.